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Tianjin ZhengQian Metal Coating Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Manager Cui
Technology Department 13011388454
Engineering Department 13011388454
Equipment department 13820052044
Mailbox: tjzqhb@163.com
Tel: 022-68754990
Fax: 022-68754990
Website: http://czyxgy.cn
Address: Under the South Viaduct of Chen Guantun Town, Jinghai County, Tianjin

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平和县| 德化县| 大理市| 平度市| 逊克县| 固始县| 龙门县| 湘乡市| 龙江县| 馆陶县| 贵南县| 合作市| 佛学| 吴堡县| 秀山| 濉溪县| 资兴市| 哈巴河县| 台安县| 巩义市| 金塔县| 什邡市| 马关县| 喀什市| 龙南县| 凤台县| 兰西县| 闻喜县| 辉南县| 秭归县| 吉安市| 搜索| 蓝山县| 华宁县| 云梦县| 介休市| 绥化市| 梨树县| 恭城| 金溪县| 湘乡市|